Oak Class: Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Jude

Mrs Jude

Green-Oak-Tree-PNG-Picture.pngHello and welcome to Oak Class!

We are one half of the current Year 6 cohort, we work in tandem with Willow class and their teacher Mr Warwick. Being the oldest children in school, we are role models to other, younger pupils and we take that responsibility very seriously - please have a look at our Seeds & Gardeners page.

Throughout the year, we put emphasis on creating lasting memories as we mark the end of our time at SASJ.  This final year comes with highs and (very occasional)  lows as we prepare for secondary school and the excitement that this next step brings.  From our Year 6 residential trip to the leaver’s assembly, we work hard to make these moments memorable and full of joy.

While SATs may be at the forefront of both pupils and parents’ minds, we work together to ensure that the build up to SATs week goes as smoothly as possible.  By the time we actually sit the SATs tests, the children have the mindset it takes to show off what they have learnt throughout KS2.

A Day in the Life of a Year 6 Pupil

We start our day with prayer and ask God to guide us and support us in being kind, compassionate and hard-working members of SASJ. We continue to worship throughout the day to praise and thank God for food, family and friends and opportunities to show love for one another.

Our mornings are jammed-packed with learning - which you will see when you peruse our busy timetable!  The afternoons are a hive of activity, allowing us to widen our knowledge and understanding of religion, science, history, geography, art, music, design technology, Spanish, personal development and PE.

Note to parents - As a Year 6 teacher, I am in a very blessed position as I get to witness and enjoy the end of the journey that began when your child started at St. Anne's and St. Joseph's.  I am aware that, as well as being an exciting fresh start, the transition from primary to secondary school can be an anxious time for parents and their children.  The work-load increases, expectations are higher and the focus on learning is amplified.  We consider it a privilege that you have placed your child in our care and will nurture them as they become confident, independent young people ready to take on the wider world! Please rest assured that the Year 6 team, and the wider school community, are well placed to prepare your child for the next steps in their journey.

Class Dojo.PNGPlease keep in touch with us via Class Dojo as well as keeping an eye out for updates and announcements.


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Oak Class: Year 6: Calendar items

School re-opens to pupils, by Mrs Godden

St Anne's and St Joseph's
RC Primary School

Sandy Lane, Accrington
Lancashire BB5 2AN

For more information, please direct all enquiries to:

Joanne Grimshaw | School Administration Officer

01254 233019