EYFS: Pre-School and Reception 2024 - 2025
Miss Kidd
Welcome to our Early Years Foundation Stage!
The Reception year is an exciting time where children are encouraged to become enthusiastic and independent learners. We understand that parents/carers are a childs first and most important educator and we are passionate about developing an effective parent partnership. During this year, we all work together to ensure that your child develops a love for learning and secures strong foundations for their learning journey.
Look out for Stay and Play sessions and parent workshop announcements on ClassDojo, alongside general reminders and updates.
We use Tapestry to record any key learning observations for individual children. Alongside following your childs school learning journey on Tapestry, we encourage you to contribute by uploading learning and milestones at home to Tapestry.
Click on the tabs above to find out more!
We provide a nurturing, accessible and engaging learning environment to meet the needs of all of our children. We encourage our children to see how special they are, made in the image and likeness of God and we celebrate our challenges, differences and talents every day.
All children are unique individuals and as we get to know our wonderful Acorns, their interests are interwoven into the learning that takes place every day within the different areas of continuous provision set up in our amazing indoor and outdoor classroom...
EYFS: Pre-School and Reception: News items
Lancashire Evening News article, by Mrs Godden
EYFS: Pre-School and Reception: Gallery items
EYFS: Pre-School and Reception: Calendar items
INSET Day - School closed to pupils, by Mrs Godden
Curriculum Showcase and Coffee Morning, by Mrs Godden